Monday, July 3, 2023

Top Free Software Groups

Office Freeware
Media Freeware
2D Creation Freeware
3D Creation Freeware 

Software in the office category can also be referred to as productivity software since it helps users be more productive. In the beginning, office software was mostly used in businesses and offices to help workers be more productive because, at that time, only companies could afford to pay for computers and the software.

When computers became more affordable, office software started finding their way into homes and schools. The software could now be used for personal tasks, for students' school work, and even for work at home. Now, office software can be found everywhere on a multitude of devices.

The first office software marketed to individuals were word processors and the second were spreadsheets. Later, office suite software integrated or packaged both separate software as one product. Office suites, word processors, and spreadsheets were the most used software and often the first software acquired when users purchased a new computer.

Office suites, word processors, and spreadsheets are represented here because they are the most significant office software. They are still essential for a new computer. Only legally distributable and downloadable Windows versions are available here. There are no browser-based or online-required office software, only open-source, shareware, or freeware that allow unlimited use offline. There definitely won't be time-limited trialware or demos. Versions for DOS, Linux, or MacOS won't be shown either.

Media Freeware

Software in the media category helps users create content that's displayed on a medium whether it's the printed page or screen. New content is created by arranging together usually ready-made elements such as text, graphics, recorded video, and/or audio. This is unlike graphics and animation software which usually don't use existing elements but instead creates new graphic elements or animation sequences.

Presentation software is media software that's commonly used by office workers and academic professionals. Desktop publishing software is used mostly by professionals and businesses. Video software is mostly used by home users to play videos but editing videos with them is more common with professionals and businesses than with home users.

Presentation software is used in the office but it's not usually used for personal purposes unlike the software in the office category, so it wasn't grouped with those software. Desktop publishing software isn't as common or as popular as it once was. Video software is more often used to play videos. Although most functions of media software are non-essential to home users, having them on a new computer could help with work or practice.

Only legally distributable and downloadable Windows versions are available for software in the media category. There are no browser-based or online-required media software here, only open-source, shareware, or freeware that allow unlimited use offline. Versions for DOS, Linux, or MacOS won't be shown either. There definitely won't be time-limited trialware or demos.

2D Creation Freeware

Software in the 2D creation category refers to software that helps users create 2D graphics or 2D animation sequences. This differentiates it from software in the media category which don't create new elements but uses existing ones to create new content. There are three minor categories among 2D creation software, which are, vector graphics, raster graphics, and 2D animation.

Vector graphics software has been a business tool since the early days of computing, initially through Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, then, through drawing software, its usage spread to artists, professionals, and other businesses. Raster graphics software was not widely in use until it was introduced to the consumer market, then it grew popular with artists, professionals, and businesses. Early on, 2D animation software was limited to the film and broadcast industries until consumer versions were released, then it became widely used by artists, professionals, and other businesses.

2D animation and vector graphics software are niche products in the home market that a few consumers mostly use as a hobby or as a step towards a career in animation or a career as an architect, designer, or graphic artist. Raster graphics software has had a longer and better relationship with consumers which continues with home users using the software to edit their digital photographs.

All these categories of 2D creation software can be found here but only legally distributable and downloadable Windows versions. There won't be browser-based or online-required 2D creation software, only open-source, shareware, or freeware that allow unlimited use offline. There definitely aren't any effectively unusable or time-limited trialware or demos. There are also no DOS, Linux, or MacOS versions.

3D Creation Freeware

Software in the 3D creation category helps users create 3D graphics or 3D animation sequences. This is similar to 2D creation software but creates content that can be manipulated in three dimensions. There are two minor categories among 3D creation software, which are, 3D graphics and 3D animation.

3D graphics was initially used by scientists and engineers for research and development. It was then used for design and architecture. Later, it developed into 3D animation, which eventually was used in the film and broadcast industries.

3D graphics and 3D animation aren't commonly used by consumers. Those that do, use them as a hobby or as a step towards a career in architecture, design, or animation. Sometimes, home users use 3D graphics to plan to design their homes, but not often.

Only legally distributable and downloadable Windows versions of 3D creation software is available here. There aren't any browser-based or online-required 3D creation software, only open-source, shareware, or freeware that allow unlimited use offline. Definitely, there won't be any effectively unusable or time-limited trialware or demos. No DOS, Linux, or MacOS versions will be available.